Privacidade e Cibersegurança em Saúde

Este valor inclui seguro, candidatura, inscrição e certificado de conclusão

Este produto está esgotado e indisponível.

REF: n.d. Categoria:

Privacidade e Cibersegurança em Saúde

Ana Ferreira e Rui Chilro

  • Online

  • Síncrono

  • Pós-Laboral

  • 10 vagas

  • 5ªs e Sábados

Descarregue o Programa do Curso


A saúde é uma infraestrutura critica, portanto com serviços e atividades essenciais para o bom funcionamento da sociedade e da economia. No entanto, a área da saúde é uma das mais vulneráveis e atacada atualmente em todo o mundo já que, em média, um registo médico vale 5 vezes mais do que qualquer outro dado (cartão de crédito ou conta bancária) à venda no mercado negro. Todos as partes (stakeholders) que trabalham em domínios de saúde têm de ter conhecimento e preparação para a ideação, desenvolvimento, assim como para a interação e gestão de soluções seguras para melhor protegerem a comunidade que servem.

Pontos chave:

  • O ecossistema de saúde integra uma variedade e complexidade de vulnerabilidades e riscos específicos: o know-how obtido nesta formação irá apoiar e reforçar a prevenção, deteção e mitigação desses riscos de forma mais informada e adequada às necessidades atuais.
  • Existe uma grande falta de competências e experiência em cibersegurança e, em especial, cibersegurança para a saúde: as competências obtidas nesta formação permitirão explorar e aprofundar o desenho e desenvolvimento de soluções ciberseguras inovadoras, que resolvam problemas atuais.
  • A saúde e o bem-estar são aspetos essenciais para o bom funcionamento e melhoria da nossa sociedade: esta formação vai permitir criar um grande impacto na vida das pessoas e na sociedade em geral, que necessitam do melhor, mais seguro e privado tratamento de saúde.

Este curso inclui:

  • Metaverso EUVG Academia

  • Certificado de conclusão

  • Seguro

  • Candidatura

  • Inscrição

  • 35h


O curso é para mais de 5 pessoas?

Sua equipa pode ter acesso a planos e preços especiais. 

EUVG Academia Para Empresas​

Objetivos específicos:

  • Compreender as necessidades e desafios únicos em termos de privacidade e segurança de ecossistemas de saúde
  • Promover e capacitar boas práticas em privacidade e segurança em saúde
  • Promover competências de gestão e liderança em privacidade e segurança em saúde
  • Potenciar a inovação tecnológica, incluindo soluções, politicas e procedimentos de ciber prevenção e ciber defesa em saúde

Requisitos de acesso:

Avaliação curricular e, quando relevante, entrevista.


Profissionais de gestão, administração e informática a trabalhar, ou com interesse em trabalhar na área da medicina, medicina dentária, medicina veterinária, enfermagem, farmácia, nutrição, podologia, psicologia, desporto/fitness, fisioterapia, gerontologia, terapia ocupacional, investigação, terapias alternativas ou áreas relacionadas.

Conteúdo do curso

  • Princípios de privacidade e cibersegurança em dados de saúde
  • Governança, gestão e políticas de segurança em instituições de saúde
  • Fator humano, design e interação seguros em saúde
  • Gestão de identidades, controlo de acesso e segurança física em saúde
  • Segurança de redes, infraestruturas e sistemas de informação em saúde
  • Cibersegurança, vulnerabilidades e avaliação de dispositivos de saúde: como aplicações móveis, IoMT (wearables, monitorização), etc
  • Criptografia aplicada a sistemas de saúde
  • Legislação, regulamentação e normas nacionais, Europeias e internacionais para a proteção de dados em saúde
  • Análise e gestão de risco (incluindo third-party e riscos de Inteligência Artificial), mitigação e controlos de segurança em instituições de saúde
  • Pen-testing/ethical hacking, análise de vulnerabilidades hw and sw em saúde
  • Análise forense, monitorização/auditoria, recuperação de incidentes e continuação de negócio em instituições de saúde


  • Certificado de Participação (apenas Participação e Assiduidade)
  • Certificado de Conclusão (Participação, Assiduidade e Exame Final – Prova Oral online)


Quintas das 17h às 20h; Sábados das 9h às 13h

  • 11 e 13 de janeiro de 2024
  • 25 e 27 de janeiro de 2024
  • 08 e 10 de fevereiro de 2024
  • 22 e 24 de fevereiro de 2024
  • 07 e 09 de março de 2024


Ana Ferreira  PhD, CISSP, HCISPP Ana Ferreira is an Information Security Specialist, Teacher and Researcher at CINTESIS@RISE, Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto, Portugal. She has been working in information security and cybersecurity fields for the past 20 years, where she has lead various research projects in the areas of access control, privacy and usable security as well as risk assessment, regulations and social engineering, applied to the healthcare domain.  Ana detains an MSc, with Distinction, in Information Security, from the University of London, UK, since 2002; a joint supervision PhD in Computer Science (specialization in Access Control), from both the Universities of Porto, Portugal and Kent, UK, since 2010; and a Post-doc regarding the Socio-technical aspects of security, privacy and trust from the SnT - Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust, University of Luxembourg (2015).  Ana is an International Certified Security Professional from (ISC)2, holding two certifications in good standing: the CISSP - Certified Information System Security Professional, since 2004, and the HCISPP - HealthCare Information Security and Privacy Practitioner, since 2018.  Ana is the author of more than 110 scientific publications, with about 900 citations and frequently participates as a Cybersecurity Expert Evaluator for the European Commission. She is currently an Ad Personam Member of ENISA’s (European Union Agency for Cybersecurity) Advisory Group and has been selected as one of the Top 100 most influential women in Cybersecurity in Europe in 2022 and one of the Top 20 Most Inspiring Women in Cyber in 2022. In the same year, she won the Cybersecurity Woman of the Year Awards 2022, in the category “Barrier Breaker”.  Ana has been a Cybersecurity Mentor within the Mentorship Programme of the Women4Cyber European Foundation since its inception, is the Co-Founder of the Chapter Women4Cyber Portugal, where she leads the team for Research and Innovation and is also the Co-Founder of the Portugal (ISC)2 Chartering Chapter.
Ana Ferreira

Ana Ferreira is an Information Security Specialist, Teacher and Researcher at CINTESIS@RISE, Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto, Portugal. She has been working in information security and cybersecurity fields for the past 20 years, where she has lead various research projects in the areas of access control, privacy and usable security as well as risk assessment, regulations and social engineering, applied to the healthcare domain. Ana detains an MSc, with Distinction, in Information Security, from the University of London, UK, since 2002; a joint supervision PhD in Computer Science (specialization in Access Control), from both the Universities of Porto, Portugal and Kent, UK, since 2010; and a Post-doc regarding the Socio-technical aspects of security, privacy and trust from the SnT – Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust, University of Luxembourg (2015). Ana is an International Certified Security Professional from (ISC)2, holding two certifications in good standing: the CISSP – Certified Information System Security Professional, since 2004, and the HCISPP – HealthCare Information Security and Privacy Practitioner, since 2018. Ana is the author of more than 110 scientific publications, with about 900 citations and frequently participates as a Cybersecurity Expert Evaluator for the European Commission. She is currently an Ad Personam Member of ENISA’s (European Union Agency for Cybersecurity) Advisory Group and has been selected as one of the Top 100 most influential women in Cybersecurity in Europe in 2022 and one of the Top 20 Most Inspiring Women in Cyber in 2022. In the same year, she won the Cybersecurity Woman of the Year Awards 2022, in the category “Barrier Breaker”. Ana has been a Cybersecurity Mentor within the Mentorship Programme of the Women4Cyber European Foundation since its inception, is the Co-Founder of the Chapter Women4Cyber Portugal, where she leads the team for Research and Innovation and is also the Co-Founder of the Portugal (ISC)2 Chartering Chapter.

Rui Chilro  MSc, CCISO, CISM With over 20 years of experience in the field of IT, Rui has a diverse background as he is equipped with the skills and experience to handle a wide range of challenges and problems. He began his career as a trainee at Vodafone, developing a TCP/IP-SS7 software gateway and worked on Cisco equipment infrastructure as part of the network team.  After joining INESC PORTO he was a researcher in two projects regarding Geographical Information Systems. In 2004, Rui became the IT manager at the Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences at the University of Porto, where he was responsible for IT management, software development, and other activities including R&D and Teaching support. In 2013, Rui joined the Digital University team at the University of Porto, where he took part of the systems and network administration’s team, working with a variety of brands, including Cisco, Checkpoint, Enterasys, Alcatel, and HP. Rui also worked as a senior engineer for WAN networks at the European Council, where he gained experience in highly secure IT environments and project development. Rui is skilled in multiple security fields, hardening and has also experience with SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) solutions. He had to hold high security clearance to work on these environments. Since November 2018, Rui has joined Vestas Design Center in Porto as a Senior Network & Security Architect. He is responsible for developing a new plant-level cyber security solution to be used in wind power plants around the world. The solution involves the integration of both OT and IT devices across large areas, interconnected by fiber loops, which require local and data center services with mission-critical latency and bandwidth, all while prioritizing safety features and devices. In addition to a full-time job, Rui occasionally engages in IT design and architecture of various projects and conducts scientific security research.  Rui is a certified professional holding the following certifications: EC-Council CCISO, CEH, ISACA CISM, Lean Management, and Management 3.0 foundation.
Rui Chilro

With over 20 years of experience in the field of IT, Rui has a diverse background as he is equipped with the skills and experience to handle a wide range of challenges and problems. He began his career as a trainee at Vodafone, developing a TCP/IP-SS7 software gateway and worked on Cisco equipment infrastructure as part of the network team. After joining INESC PORTO he was a researcher in two projects regarding Geographical Information Systems. In 2004, Rui became the IT manager at the Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences at the University of Porto, where he was responsible for IT management, software development, and other activities including R&D and Teaching support. In 2013, Rui joined the Digital University team at the University of Porto, where he took part of the systems and network administration’s team, working with a variety of brands, including Cisco, Checkpoint, Enterasys, Alcatel, and HP. Rui also worked as a senior engineer for WAN networks at the European Council, where he gained experience in highly secure IT environments and project development. Rui is skilled in multiple security fields, hardening and has also experience with SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) solutions. He had to hold high security clearance to work on these environments. Since November 2018, Rui has joined Vestas Design Center in Porto as a Senior Network & Security Architect. He is responsible for developing a new plant-level cyber security solution to be used in wind power plants around the world. The solution involves the integration of both OT and IT devices across large areas, interconnected by fiber loops, which require local and data center services with mission-critical latency and bandwidth, all while prioritizing safety features and devices. In addition to a full-time job, Rui occasionally engages in IT design and architecture of various projects and conducts scientific security research. Rui is a certified professional holding the following certifications: EC-Council CCISO, CEH, ISACA CISM, Lean Management, and Management 3.0 foundation.



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