
EUVG Erasmus Policy Statement

“The emerging concept ―One Health‖ (only one Health: human, animal and environmental) has been a benchmark in the sphere of vocation and specialization at Escola Universitária Vasco da Gama, throughout its 20 years of experience and training in the area of Veterinary Sciences, continuing to explore new forms and new areas of transnational cooperation, in strengthening the understanding of the close relationship between human, animal and environmental health.

In institutional terms, the actions developed within the scope of the Erasmus Charter will highlight the areas of Veterinary Sciences related to Animal Production, Public Health, Animal Health, Food Safety and Translational Research on the path of Sustainability (Sustainability = prevention for Health ), relating them to correlated areas, on the path of Prevention, Intervention and Rehabilitation in and of the Environment.

In this context, EUVG does not see internationalization as an objective by itself, but rather as a dimension transversal to its mission and objectives, in a global context. More than promoting experiences abroad, internationalization will fuel the acquisition of pedagogical, scientific and social skills, while allowing its modernization through the development of soft skills that underpin the principles of understanding, equity and intercultural sharing, promoting also consolidating its identity in a more tolerant and inclusive way.

Transnational cooperation, based on the choice of key partners is, therefore, a decisive factor for this institutional dynamic, consistent with the European strategy for the promotion of Quality in Higher Education and implementation of best practices: Working in a network and creating an environment conducive to the growth of all the Institution’s assets, whether abroad or with representatives from abroad. This path will allow, simultaneously:

  • Ensure the modernization of the Institution, promoting the mutual and automatic recognition, among the partners, of the skills acquired in the scope of the actions carried out, achieving a greater internationalization of the curricula and institutional procedures;
  • Modernize the Institution by sharing knowledge and good practices in all aspects of the procedures (administrative, pedagogical and scientific);
  • Strive for intercultural sharing, inclusion, tolerance and equal opportunities, regardless of the socio-economic context of the participants.

Keeping our geographical priorities (Europe and the promotion of a European identity within the institution), we remain available for new opportunities for cooperation with more remote regions, which may arise within the cooperation projects to be developed with current partners.

In order to understand the established objectives, it is important to understand first the concrete context of the Institution, as a University School, whose main identity and differentiating characteristic is the culture of proximity, with a dimension that gives it its own characteristics, namely tutorial and accompanied teaching, in a one-to-one relationship between the participants.